Hey there!
I’m Elias Watson, a passionate programmer and technology enthusiast in my 20s, currently residing in Greenville, SC, USA. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Bob Jones University.
As a follower of Jesus, I strive to integrate my faith with my love for technology and science. My main interests lie in game development and computer graphics, but I have a wide range of passions.
I am language agnostic and pride myself on quickly picking up new languages and frameworks. Here are some of the technologies I have experience with:
- Python
- TypeScript & JavaScript
- C & C++
- Rust
- Lua
- Java
- Lisp
I also enjoy experimenting with more obscure programming languages like Elm, Odin, FORTH, Smalltalk, APL, and more.
Feel free to connect with me or check out my projects!
Any opinions I express are solely my own and are not representative of my past, present, or future employers.